Look for our dedicated, organized volunteer crew when you are out on the Trail or on any of our properties. They will be the ones in the bright green t-shirts!

Outdoor volunteers

Brad Carlson
John Farrell
Geoff Gretton
Bud Grindle
Derek Hacker
Kevin Hacker
Rod Ham
Wesley Kee
Connie Kellogg
John Melville
Donn Pritchard
Mike Torpey
Rob Vlosky
Jim Whritenor
Ron Wood


Kathie Balentine
Dora Baker
Dee Burdett
Marianne Chiafery
Jennifer Kirby
Cindy Lau
Alice Sargeant


Fran Celona
Bonnie Coddington
Dina Ergood
Diane Ham
Dave Henderson

Land trust property stewards

Marc Boulay
John Loncz
Russ Partridge
Brad Van Auken

Sign Up to Volunteer