Longtime Mendon Foundation fan and volunteer Mark Skipworth has graciously agreed to work with some pre-eminent Lehigh Valley Railroad photographers, allowing us to share some of their remarkable photographs with us. Each of these photographs is from a location along what is, today, the Lehigh Valley Trail. Our hope is that these photographs will give you an appreciation for what key locations along our trail looked like, decades ago. Thanks go not just to Mark, but also to photographers Paul Templeton, Jim Crosby, John Marshall, Rick Rubino, Richard Pearson, Doug Morgan, David J. Monte Verde, Christopher Smith, Charles Woolever, and Ron Amberger, all who have graciously agreed to have their images included here. Thanks also to the Honeoye Falls – Town of Mendon Historical Society for several of these.

If you are curious about the type and history of the Lehigh Valley engines that appear in this gallery, we recommend a visit to Scot Lawrence’s incomparable Lehigh Valley Railroad All Time Locomotive Roster (1853 – 1976).

Please check back often, as we will be adding photos on a regular basis; the newest additions will always be at the top (current total: 186). The images in this special gallery are copyrighted by their respective owners, and may not be reproduced without permission.