Longtime Mendon Foundation fan and volunteer Mark Skipworth has graciously agreed to work with some pre-eminent Lehigh Valley Railroad photographers, allowing us to share some of their remarkable photographs with us. Each of these photographs is from a location along what is, today, the Lehigh Valley Trail. Our hope is that these photographs will give you an appreciation for what key locations along our trail looked like, decades ago. Thanks go not just to Mark, but also to photographers Paul Templeton, Jim Crosby, John Marshall, Rick Rubino, Richard Pearson, Doug Morgan, David J. Monte Verde, Christopher Smith, Charles Woolever, and Ron Amberger, all who have graciously agreed to have their images included here. Thanks also to the Honeoye Falls – Town of Mendon Historical Society for several of these.
Please check back often, as we will be adding photos on a regular basis; the newest additions will always be at the top (current total: 186).The images in this special gallery are copyrighted by their respective owners, and may not be reproduced without permission.
The very first ConRail local EX-1 at Ex Lehigh Valley railroad Rochester Jct. on April 6, 1976. All tracks still in place but ConRail was only using the crossover at the junction to take cars to/from Honeoye falls and lima. Paul Templeton photo
Lehigh Valley RR e/b train passing through Mendon, NY on February 24, 1976. Paul Templeton photo
Lehigh Valley Railroad westbound train With Alco C420 "Yellowjacket" in the lead, at Mile Sqaure Road grade crossing east of Mendon, NY on March 8 1973. Double headed signal on the left is now erected at the Lehigh Valley Veterans park in Manchester, NY. Note MT2 is OOS and ripped up just past the grade crossing. Paul Templeton photo
Lehigh Valley Railroad eastbound train at the Old Dutch Road grade crossing east of Mendon, NY. Spring/summer, 1970. Paul Templeton photo
Lehigh Valley RR local RM-2, crossing route 251 in the hamlet of Mendon NY on March 4, 1974. Paul Templeton photo
Lehigh Valley Railroad train BNW-3, Westbound, about to go under the Clover Street bridge, which had D&H Alco PA units 16 and 19 in the power consist. The units were en route to M&K in Boise, ID for rebuild. This photo was published in Trains Magazine in March 1974. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Rochester Junction Station. Rochester branch side. John Marshall photo.
Rochester Junction Station platform. John Marshall photo.
Rochester Junction Station platform. John Marshall photo.
Rochester Junction potato warehouse. John Marshall photo.
Rochester Junction freight house. John Marshall photo.
Rochester Junction, 1967, looking east. John Marshall photo.
Don Marshall standing at the crossover at Rochester Junction, 1967. John Marshall photo.
Rochester Junction Station, 1967. John Marshall photo.
Rochester Junction Station, 1967. John Marshall photo.
Rochester Junction Station. Date and photographer unknown.
Lehigh Valley at Rochester Junction. Date and photographer unknown.
Lehigh Valley #411, Eastbound, crossing route 251 in the Hamlet of Mendon, NY. Date and photographer unknown.
Lehigh Valley C420s & RS11 Eastbound to Victor, crossing over the old abandoned Auburn line, 3/31/1972. Photographer unknown.
Eastbound Lehigh Valley freight train, led by Alco FAs, east of Rochester Junction. Date and photographer unknown.
Lehigh Valley 311-406-310 in Victor 2/17/1972. Eastbound; about to cross old Dutch road. Photographer unknown.
LV Rochester Local 1.5 miles east of Mendon w/#128 SW900m leading. 5/22/1973. Collection of Charles Woolever.
Lehigh Valley Railroad Rochester Jct. September 25, 1980. Conrail was operating the Rochester branch at this time and in a few short years, this would all be gone. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Lehigh Valley Wreck on Phillips Road bridge over the old NYC Auburn line. You can still see ties in the ground from the old Auburn line, which was just torn up prior to the LV derailment. Notice the man on the second telegraph pole.
Rochester Junction, July 31, 1974. Phil Dutcher photo.
Headed for Rochester on the Rochester branch. Date unknown. Bob Zimmermann photo.
Lehigh Valley train ME 1 at Rochester Junction, March 11, 1976. Richard Jahn photo.
Lehigh Valley Rochester Junction, early 1970s. Ron Amberger Photo.
Lehigh Valley Railroad Extra 412 East crossing the Genesee River bridge near Industry, NY. It is believed that the box car was loaded with company material from Tifft Terminal. March 30, 1976. One more day, and it would be over for the Lehigh Valley. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Lehigh Valley Railroad Apollo-1 passing through Rochester Jct. on November 20, 1973. It is believed that they made a set out at the Junction. Local RM-2 is waiting in the Rochester Junction yard. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Lehigh Valley Railroad Quaker Interlocking, Quaker Meeting House Road, Mendon, NY, view to the east, June 21, 1977. Rail removed from the road and crossing signals removed. Paul J. Templeton photo.
A&K Track Materials crew picking up Lehigh Valley Railroad rail near Clover Street. The overpass bridge has been removed and a newly paved Clover street is in its place. View is Eastbound and Rochester Junction is about a mile or so behind the photographer's back. May, 1978. Paul J. Templeton photo.
A&K Pettibone at the Lehigh Valley Railroad West Bloomfield road grade crossing in Mendon NY. Road has been repaved and rails removed on the road, signals still in place, MT 2 removed years earlier. The Hamlet of Mendon is a little over a mile beyond the curve. This is part of the Lehigh Valley Trail. August, 1977. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Another shot of A&K Track Materials crew picking up rail near Clover Street in Mendon NY after the bridge had been removed. The Lehigh Valley had been gone for two years at this point. May, 1978. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Westbound freight at Rochester Junction with the Bicentennial Caboose #1776. Mid 1970s. Ron Amberger photo.
Switching the Rochester Branch at Rochester Junction. Date unknown. Bob Zimmermann photo.
Lehigh Valley Eastbound freight at Rochester Junction, Honeoye Falls NY. 1957. Photographer unknown.
The ice house/potato warehouse at Rochester Junction, behind the MOW/Passenger car. Date unknown. Photo by Bernd Fanghanel.
Lehigh Valley Railroad Alco C420 "Yellow Jackets" westbound at Rochester Junction in 1967. Shelden King photo.
Lehigh Valley gas-electric at Rochester Jct. station, 9/3/1947. Collection of Charles Woolever.
LV Station looking west at Rochester Junction. Collection of Charles Woolever.
LV Station looking west at Rochester Junction. Collection of Charles Woolever.
Original LV freight house at Rochester Junction. Collection of Charles Woolever.
Original LV freight house at Rochester Junction. Collection of Charles Woolever.
LV eastbound signal 379-2 at Rochester Junction. Collection of Charles Woolever.
Shot of ex Lehigh Valley Railroad Rochester Junction on August 14, 1978. The sun was low in a hazy sky, so Paul Templeton lined it up with the empty signal. View is railroad west, and the tracks were gone on the other side of Plains Road by this time. Conrail was operating the Rochester branch at this time. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Eastbound Black Diamond at Rochester Junction, 1940. Photographer unknown.
Rochester Jct., Winter, 1973. Paul J. Templeton photo.
LVRR RM-2 crossing over the former NYC Auburn branch, 21 May 1974. The Valley was running shorter trains at this point. Train was headed back to Manchester from Rochester Junction. Paul J. Templeton photo.
An interesting shot of a taxi at Rochester Junction, date unknown. Notice the flag on it says Rochester Junction. Mary Ward photo. Bill Darron collection.
Lehigh Valley Railroad at Rochester Junction, NY 11/7/1971. Lamont Downs photograph.
Gates down and a Lehigh Valley Railroad train rolls eastbound through Rush, NY, 1975. Ken Darron photo.
Lehigh Valley wreck in Rush, 1974. Photo by Bill Darron.
Lehigh Valley wreck in Rush, 1974. Photo by Bill Darron.
Lehigh Valley wreck in Rush, 1974. Photo by Bill Darron.
Lehigh Valley wreck in Rush, 1974. Photo by Bill Darron.
Lehigh Valley wreck in Rush, 1974. Photo by Bill Darron.
Lehigh Valley wreck in Rush, 1974. Photo by Bill Darron.
Lehigh Valley wreck in Rush, 1974. Photo by Bill Darron.
Lehigh Valley wreck in Rush, 1974. Photo by Bill Darron.
Lehigh Valley Railroad locomotives at Rochester Junction, January 20, 1973, late afternoon. In roughly 3 months, this beautiful station would burn to the ground. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Rochester Junction Station, late 1950s. Douglas Morgan collection.
Eastbound Black Diamond Passing the Lehigh Valley Tower at Rochester Junction, Spring 1950. Photographer unknown.
Lehigh Valley RM1 at Rochester Junction, Winter 1974. The station had burned to the ground a year before. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Rochester Junction Station, 1960s. Douglas Morgan collection.
Lehigh Valley Railroad 4-8-4 #5204 takes on water at Rochester Junction, 1950. Station can be seen just behind the tender. J.W. Park Photo. Negative from Peter A Bellisario collection.
Lehigh Valley Eastbound Black Diamond at Rochester Junction. Date and photographer unknown.
Lehigh Valley-318 with wreck train at Rochester Jct, 08/24/74. Phil Dutcher photo.
Lehigh Valley-318 with wreck train at Rochester Jct, 08/24/74. Phil Dutcher photo.
Lehigh Valley eastbound heading out of Quaker Interlocking, 01/01/75. Phil Dutcher photo.
LV Mainline, 08/12/75, late afternoon westbound at Quaker Interlocking leading an Apollo van train. Phil Dutcher Photo.
Lehigh valley Apollo, Taken from the Clover Street bridge; Rochester Junction is around the curve. Early 1970s. Bob Zimmermann photo.
Lehigh Valley Railroad local PLB-5 departing Rochester Jct. on March 30, 1976. This local normally worked from Tifft Terminal in Buffalo to P&L Jct. However, the job could go east as far as Rochester Jct. with no penalty on dispatcher orders. This was the very last PLB-5 prior to the Conrail takeover. The local came into RJ as BPL-6. Paul J. Templeton photo.
LV #217 RS-2 switching cars, March 1976. Collection of Charles Woolever.
LV Baldwin leading westbound at Clover St (looking west). Collection of Charles Woolever.
LV #217 RS-2 switching cars, Spring 1976. Collection of Charles Woolever.
Rochester Jct. station, July 25, 1971. View is to the west. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Lehigh Valley Railroad Westbound train BNW-3 with D&H Alco PA units 16 and 19 in the power consist on their way to M-K for rebuild. Taken from the Clover Street overpass on June 24, 1974. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Lehigh Valley RR westbound train about to clear the NY Rt. 251 crossing in Mendon, NY on January 31, 1974. White house to the left of the Caboose is now Benincasa Hospice house. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Eastbound Lehigh Valley RR train passing through Mendon, NY, mid-September 1973. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Conrail #1224 (ex-Erie-Lackawanna) with train on the former Lehigh Valley Rochester branch. The train is seen from Erie Station Road overpass in town of Henrietta, NY during summer of 1976. The caboose is former Lehigh Valley. Ron Amberger photo.
Lehigh Valley railroad wreck at Rush, NY. June 1967. Bill Darron Collection.
Lehigh Valley railroad wreck at Rush, NY. June 1967. Bill Darron Collection.
Lehigh Valley railroad wreck at Rush, NY. June 1967. Bill Darron Collection.
Conrail #1224 (ex-Erie-Lackawanna) with train on the former Lehigh Valley Rochester branch. The train is seen from Erie Station Road overpass in town of Henrietta, NY during summer of 1976. The caboose is former Lehigh Valley. Ron Amberger photo.
Terry Hotel at Rochester Junction. Date and photographer unknown. This still stands and is now a private home. Doug Morgan Collection.
A&K Salvage crew picking up ties in Mendon, NY on the Lehigh Valley right of way, summer 1979. The view is railroad west. This is now Mendon Station Park. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Rochester Junction station. Date and photographer unknown.
Lehigh Valley RR bridge over NYC Auburn branch near Phillips Rd. October 6, 1992. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Ex Lehigh Valley tunnel under the NYS Thruway on October 9, 1999. This is now the end of the Lehigh Valley Trail on the Rochester branch in Henrietta. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Montel Metals crew removing the C&S wires along Lehigh Valley RR right of way near Old Dutch Road grade crossing east of Mendon, NY on September 23, 1977. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Westbound Lehigh Valley train at Rochester Junction, 1970. John Marshall photo.
On the Lehigh Valley Rochester branch at Rochester Junction, early 1970s. Ron Amberger photo.
Rochester Junction, Baldwin S-12 on Rochester branch tracks, 1960s. John Marshall photo.
Lehigh Valley gas electric at Rochester Junction. Train had just dropped off mail and passengers from the Rochester station which is now the Dinosaur BBQ. Date unknown. Don Marshall Collection.
3 track bridge over Honeoye Creek, just west of the Lehigh Valley’s Rochester Junction. View is to the east. Date unknown. Ron Amberger photo.
Lehigh Valley Railroad AP-2 with N&W pool power, Old Dutch Road, Mendon, NY, May 17, 1972. Paul J. Templeton photo.
LVRR eastbound train about to cross Route 64 at Mendon, NY, March 24, 1974. Notice Mainline track 2 is now out of service, and ends at crossing signal. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Another shot of A&K Track Materials picking up rail just east of Rochester Jct. May 21, 1978. Paul J. Templeton photo.
A&K Railroad materials truck removing rail from the Lehigh Valley Genesee River bridge at Wadsworth Junction, Rush NY, December 1977. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Lehigh Valley Railroad local MR-2 on scrap pickup train at Rochester Jct. The SP crane that had been picking up scrap broke down so it and the cars it was towing were picked up by MR-2. March 29, 1976, two days before the end of the Lehigh Valley. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Town of Mendon crew working at what had been the Lehigh Valley Railroad at the Old Dutch Road grade crossing. October, 1977. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Lehigh Valley, end of eastbound freight, east side of Clover St. Undated. Collection of Charles Woolever.
Here is a photo that depicts A&K pulling rail from the trestle that led up to the bridge that went over the Erie Railroad, Genesee River, and Pennsylvania Railroad on the Lehigh Valley mainline. The bridge still stands and is part of the Lehigh Valley Trail. The tracks went on top of the bridge, not through it like it is now. The approach trestles are gone. Taken from the south side on the very late afternoon of a chilly 16 December 1977. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Another picture that depicts A&K pulling rail from the rail from the Lehigh Valley Genesee River bridge. Guardrails still in place. April 1977. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Smoldering remains of the Lehigh Valley’s Rochester Jct. station, 24 April 1973. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Westbound view of Rochester Junction, 1930s. John W. Barriger III National Railroad Library Collection.
Last eastbound freight heading into Rochester Junction, Late March 1976. Ron Amberger photo.
Rochester Junction station, 1960s. John Marshall photo.
March 15, 1975 the Pride of the Fleet Apollo, Lehigh Valley AP-1 led by 4 USRA purchased GE U23Bs hustles across the Genesse River flood plain trestle that led up to the Genesee River bridge in the Town of Rush. David J. Monte Verde photo.
Lehigh Valley passenger train coming off the Rochester Branch from Hemlock and arriving at Rochester Jct., sometime in the 1930s. This view looks east from inside the interlocking tower, with the station behind the photographer. The branch to Rochester also connected here. This self-propelled gas-electric motorcar is towing an unpowered coach trailer, common for branch lines without a lot of traffic. The last regular Rochester Branch passenger service to Lima was discontinued on August 9, 1937. Photographer and date unknown. Anthracite Railroads Historical Society Collection.
East-west meet at Rush interlocking, eastbound train heading for Rochester Junction waits for westbound train to clear the interlocking, two months before the end of the LV. The westbound train has just crossed route 15A. Christopher Smith photo.
Lehigh Valley westbound freight west of Rochester Junction, 1975. Christopher Smith photo.
Lehigh Valley westbound freight passing the canopies at Rochester Junction, looking east. Christopher Smith photo.
Lehigh Valley eastbound Apollo crossing 3 track bridge over Honeoye Creek, just west of Rochester Junction, 1974. Christopher Smith photo.
Lehigh Valley trains meet at Rush, NY. The EB is about to clear, and the WB is getting instructions from the dispatcher. Note the open phone cabinet extreme left. Taken two months before the end of the LV. Christopher Smith photo.
Lehigh Valley westbound freight crossing the 3 track bridge over Honeoye Creek, west of Rochester Junction, winter 1975. Christopher Smith photo.
Conrail local EX-1 arriving at ex Lehigh Valley Railroad Rochester Jct. with some gondola cars for A&K Track Materials, which was in the process of pulling up No. 2 track. November 30th, 1976. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Conrail local EX-1 working at ex Lehigh Valley Railroad Rochester Jct. April 6, 1976. Signal 3792, which was the approach signal for Quaker interlocking, was still lit but was set at Red Over Red and stayed lit that way until Conrail disconnected the power. Did not matter as the mainline was no longer being used, just the Rochester Branch. Cars were going to concerns in Honeoye Falls and Lima. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Conrail local EX-1 arriving at ex Lehigh Valley Railroad Rochester Jct. for the first time on Tuesday, April 6, 1976, 6 days after the Lehigh Valley shut down for good. Mainline tracks were still in place although Conrail did not use them, they only used the Rochester branch tracks and the crossover at the Junction to reach Honeoye Falls and Lima. Train originated at the former E-L Exchange St. yard. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Rochester Junction, undated. Honeoye Falls - Town of Mendon Historical Society Collection.
Rochester Junction postcard, undated. Honeoye Falls - Town of Mendon Historical Society Collection.
Rush-Mendon Road in Mendon, looking west. Originally from collection of Jackson Smith. Courtesy of Honeoye Falls - Town of Mendon Historical Society Collection.
Rush-Mendon Road in Mendon, looking east. Originally from collection of Jackson Smith. Courtesy of Honeoye Falls - Town of Mendon Historical Society Collection.
Rochester Junction, summer 1906. Honeoye Falls - Town of Mendon Historical Society Collection.
Mendon Depot, undated. Honeoye Falls - Town of Mendon Historical Society Collection.
LVRR wreck near Rochester Junction, June 1895. Honeoye Falls - Town of Mendon Historical Society Collection.
LVRR Mendon Station postcard undated. Honeoye Falls - Town of Mendon Historical Society Collection.
LVRR main line in Mendon, looking east. James DeNardo photo. Honeoye Falls - Town of Mendon Historical Society Collection.
LVRR main line in Mendon looking west. James DeNardo photo. Honeoye Falls - Town of Mendon Historical Society Collection.
LVRR crossing in Mendon. Route 251 looking west. The left hand side would be where the ballfields are today. Originally from collection of Jackson Smith. Courtesy of Honeoye Falls - Town of Mendon Historical Society Collection.
LVRR crossing in Mendon. Route 64 looking south. Originally from collection of Jackson Smith. Courtesy of Honeoye Falls - Town of Mendon Historical Society Collection.
LVRR Crossing at Quaker Meeting House Road, 1967. Honeoye Falls - Town of Mendon Historical Society Collection.
LV 610 at Rochester Junction, 1952. J. W. Park photo. Honeoye Falls - Town of Mendon Historical Society Collection.
Dunn Oil Co. at the end of Mill Road, Mendon, February 5, 1952. Henry DeWolf photo. Honeoye Falls - Town of Mendon Historical Society Collection.
Lehigh Valley Railroad local RM-2 passing through Mendon, NY heading east back to Manchester. This area is now Mendon Station Park. February 21, 1974. Train has just crossed Route 251. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Lehigh Valley freight about to cross Route 64 in Mendon NY, Winter 1971. Still rule 251, Automatic Block System. In two years, mainline track no. 2 would be out of service. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Lehigh Valley Railroad westbound at the Route 64 grade crossing in Mendon, NY. Would guess early 1950s. Note station still stands. View is railroad West. Honeoye Falls - Town of Mendon Historical Society Collection.
Lehigh Valley Railroad at Mendon NY, Looking eastbound. Taken from the Route 251 grade crossing. This is now Mendon Station Park. Date and photographer unknown. Originally from collection of Jackson Smith. Courtesy of Doug Morgan Collection.
Lehigh Valley RR local RM-2 at the Old Dutch Road crossing east of Mendon, NY Jan/Feb 1969. Houses on both sides of the LV right of way, now. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Lehigh Valley MR-1 standing on the Rochester Branch at Rochester Jct. December 28th, 1972. Paul J. Templeton photo.
A&K Track Materials picking up rail just east of ex Lehigh Valley Railroad Rochester Jct. on May 21, 1978. That gal handing the rail was the truck driver’s girlfriend. You can see the 3 track bridge over Honeoye Creek, which still stands, in the background. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Town of Mendon work crew removing the rails and ties on the Lehigh Valley mainline at Old Dutch Road grade crossing in October, 1977. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Lehigh Valley RR local RM-2 crossing the bridge over the former NYC Auburn branch near Phillips road in Victor NY. This bridge still stands. A cold February 8, 1973. Now part of the Lehigh Valley Trail. Paul J. Templeton photo.
A&K Track Materials gang loading rail into gondola cars at ex Lehigh Valley Rochester Jct. January 16, 1978. Rumor going around at the time related that A&K let a loaded gon get away and it rolled towards Rush, finally stopping. The A&K Pettibone could not pull the car so the crew of Conrail EX-1 was talked into going down the abandoned track in order to pick the car up and drag it back to RJ. Never had confirmation of that story, however. Only the Lehigh Valley mainline tracks east and west of Rochester Junction were removed. The Junction itself was still being accessed by Conrail via the Rochester branch for deliveries to Honeoye Falls and Lima until the early 1980s, when everything else was ripped up. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Lehigh Valley Railroad Quaker Meeting House Road July, 1977. Crossing signals removed, tracks being torn up. Approach signals for Rochester Junction still in place. View is railroad east. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Lehigh Valley Railroad in Mendon, NY March 1978. Tracks have been partially torn up, crossing signals have been removed at this grade crossing, which is route 251. The signals on Route 64 stayed up for a few more years after the tracks were torn up, then they were gone too. View is railroad east and Mendon station park is now where this all was. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Lehigh Valley Railroad Rochester Jct. October 19, 1980. Mainline tracks still in place up to the road. Conrail using the Rochester branch at this time. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Removing the crossing signals at Mile Square Road in Mendon, NY on the Lehigh Valley Railroad. View is east. Tracks were gone summer of 1977, this picture was taken in Feb, 1978. This is now part of the Lehigh Valley Trail. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Lehigh Valley Railroad westbound looking to Mendon NY. Mile Square Road grade crossing. Old main track no. 2 is out of service by this time. Late afternoon, February 23, 1973. Double head signal #3731 was the approach signal for Quaker interlocking. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Lehigh Valley Quaker Interlocking. No train, No tracks, No signals or relay cabinet. this was taken 2 years after the Lehigh Valley shut down, 1978. Now part of the Lehigh Valley Trail. Paul J. Templeton Photo.
Tearing up the tracks at Quaker interlocking, December 1976. This is between Quaker Meeting House Road and Rochester Junction. The Clover Street bridge was past the curve at the tree line. The Lehigh Valley had stopped running 9 months earlier! Paul J. Templeton Photo.
First cut in the Lehigh Valley RR main. Just east of Phillips Rd. Summer, 1976. NYC Auburn railroad went under the bridge in the background. Now part of the Lehigh Valley Trail. Paul J. Templeton Photo.
Photo taken at Mendon NY, Route 251 grade crossing during the summer of 1977, roughly 4 months after the Lehigh Valley had shut down. Conrail had not started to pull up the tracks yet. A&K front end loader parked at NY Rt. 251. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Rochester Junction, 1920s, looking west. Pump house and tower can be seen in this photo. Douglas Morgan Collection.
Westbound Lehigh Valley freight crossing bridge over the NYC Auburn branch, and about to cross Phillips Rd, taken on 10 June 1975. Now part of the Lehigh Valley Trail. Paul J. Templeton Photo.
Black Diamond at Lehigh Valley Rochester Junction, Honeoye Falls NY. 1950s. Train is Eastbound. Douglas Morgan Collection.
Lehigh Valley Alco 217 with train RM-1 at Rochester Junction, Fall 1973. Ron Amberger photo.
Lehigh Valley westbound freight at Rochester Junction, early 1970s. Ron Amberger photo.
Steam at Rochester Junction, 1939. Douglas Morgan Collection.
Willis and Ethyl Miller purchased the property at 287 Bull (Bulls) Saw Mill Road from John and Rebecca Bull. Included in the sale was the saw mill for which the road was named. This picture is looking south across Bull Saw Mill Road. In the background is a Lehigh Valley passenger train headed east towards Mendon. It is about to cross West Bloomfield Road. The path of the train is now the Lehigh Valley Trail. In the foreground there is a barn on the right. The building on the left is the saw mill, relocated from its original location. Honeoye Falls - Town of Mendon Historical Society Collection.
Lehigh Valley Rochester Junction, Honeoye Falls NY, early 1900s. View is railroad West. Crossover track in the center of the photo was the Rochester Branch, and went to the City of Rochester in one direction and to Honeoye Falls, Lima, and Hemlock in the other. Honeoye Falls - Town of Mendon Historical Society Collection.
Lehigh Valley Black Diamond, Eastbound at Rochester Junction, Early 1950s. Douglas Morgan Collection.
Lehigh Valley RM-2 crossing Honeoye Creek on the “Papa” Trestle, just outside of Honeoye Falls, March 26, 1975. These were Rochester branch tracks that came off the mainline tracks at Rochester Junction. Bridge was torn down in 1986. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Pigs at Lehigh Valley Rochester Junction, 1966. Building behind the train was an ice house. John Marshall photo.
Lehigh Valley Railroad Rochester Junction station, April, 1969. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Lehigh Valley RR e/b train, probably LV-4, passing through Mendon, NY on February 4, 1976. In a little over a month, these tracks would never see another train again. This is now Mendon Station Park. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Lehigh Valley VRR train BNW-3, with 3 Alco C420 “Yellowjackets” heading west on May 21, 1974. This photo was taken from the Route 65 (Clover Street) bridge, which was about a mile east of Rochester Junction. If you look closely, you can see the interlocking signals, all red, at Quaker interlocking, which is by the curve. Paul J Templeton photo.
Another shot of the demolition of the Clover Street Lehigh Valley RR overpass. June 21, 1977. Paul J. Templeton photo.
The demolition of the Clover Street Lehigh Valley RR overpass. June 21, 1977. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Lehigh Valley Railroad w/b train meeting AP-2 at Quaker Interlocking. February 26, 1975. Rochester Junction is about a mile past the signals. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Lehigh Valley Railroad RM-2, having just crossed route 251, passing through Mendon, NY March 28, 1973. The house behind the locomotive is now Benicasa hospice house. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Lehigh Valley RR train AP-2 crossing Old Dutch Road east of Mendon, NY on January 9, 1974. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Lehigh Valley Railroad local RM-2 with a caboose hop at Mendon, NY June, 1972. This is now Mendon Station Park and a short stretch of panel tracks sits right about where the locomotive is. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Lehigh Valley Railroad AP-1 taken from the Clover Street bridge Sept '75. The signal in distance is Quaker Interlocking. Rochester Junction is about a mile away. Richard Pearson photo.
Lehigh Valley Railroad train NE-1 westbound passing the Rochester Junction station in June of 1972. Station burned to the ground April 22 1973. Richard Pearson photo.
Lehigh Valley Railroad local RM-2 passing through Mendon, NY on March 4, 1974. Train has just crossed Route 251 and is Eastbound. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Remains of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Rochester Jct. station after the fire on Easter Sunday (4-22-1973). Smoke still rising from what was left on April 24, 1973. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Eastbound Lehigh Valley RR local RM-2 at Mile Square Road in Mendon, NY, late February 1976. The Hamlet of Mendon is behind the train about 3/4ths of a mile. Signal 3731 is now at the Lehigh Valley Veterans Memorial Park in Manchester NY as a tribute to Engineer Jack W Parmele. Roughly a month after this photo was taken, The Lehigh Lehigh Valley Railroad would shut down forever and faded into history. The R.O.W. is now known as the Lehigh Valley Trail. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Westbound Lehigh Valley freight crossing Plains Road at Rochester Junction, early 1970s. Ron Amberger Photo.
Rochester Junction 1970s. Train is on the Rochester Branch. Ron Amberger photo.
Lehigh Valley Rochester Junction, early 1970s. Heading to Honeoye Falls and Lima on the Rochester Branch. The Locomotive has just crossed over a small bridge the Boy Scouts refurbished some years back. Ron Amberger Photo.
Lehigh Valley RR westbound train about to cross NY Rt. 251 in Mendon, NY on October 25, 1973. Paul J .Templeton photo.
Lehigh Valley RR eastbound train, led by 2 Alco C628 Snowbirds passing through Mendon, NY on September 26, 1972. This is now Mendon Station Park. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Eastbound Lehigh Valley RR local RM-2 crossing NY Rt. 251 Mendon, NY March 19, 1974. The foundation for the crossing signal on the right can still be seen in the ground, with the bolts bent over along Route 251. Mendon station park is to the left now. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Lehigh Valley Railroad local MR-1 crossing Mile Square Road east of Mendon, NY on April 12, 1973. Train is Westbound. Signal on the left is now located in the Lehigh Valley Veterans park in Manchester, Relay case to the right of the right signal (#3732) is still there. Paul J. Templeton photo.
Lehigh Valley train westbound at Rochester Junction, 1975. While the station was gone in 1973, the canopies, which you see in the photo to the left, remained until they were torn down by Conrail in 1985 when they removed the track. Jim Crosby photo.
Lehigh Valley U23Bs crossing the trestle to the Genesee River bridge near Rush, winter 1975. The bridge is still in use and is part of the Lehigh Valley trail. This approach span was removed in the early 1980s. Jim Crosby photo.
Lehigh Valley railroad looking East at Rochester Junction, 1973. The Clover Street bridge is just around the curves ahead and the Crossover tracks are the Rochester Branch which went from the Yards at Mount Hope ave to Lima. Rick Rubino photo.
Lehigh Valley Eastbound freight crossing 3 track bridge over Honeoye creek, west of Rochester Junction, 1973. Bridge still stands and is part of the Lehigh Valley trail. Rick Rubino photo.
Rochester Junction, 1960s. Train is Lehigh Valley RM2 and is tied down in a small yard that was just off the Rochester Branch. A Box car and Flat car now sit at this location. John Marshall photo.
Rochester Junction, 1960s. View is to the East. John Marshall photo.